API - Docs | Wyco Netz


Here you can find the latest docs and notes from the Wyco Netz team.

When you connect our API to your website, app or otherwise, you agree to the Beinevach Terms of Service

With the WN API, you can connect to the Beinevach Advertising Network, promote Wyco Netz, or connect to #ClickShareDone. Our API is powered by CO:DE, which is an open source programming language provided by the CO:DE Foundation. The CO:DE Foundation is a non-profit subsidiary of Gradient, which handles and updates the CO:DE programming language.

To start with our API, please contact us, and we will provide you with our API and an informational document about CO:DE. Once you have done this, you can intergrate our services into your website or app. For info on WN Services intergration, click here.

We encourage you to be create with our API. You can intergrate it into a chatbot or assistant, create a #ClickShareDone app or skin, and do so much more!

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